Multi-Band Radio Receiver with SI4732 and Raspberry Pi Pico



In this project, we’re creating a versatile radio receiver capable of picking up AM, FM, and SSB signals using the SI4732 IC and Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040. The project also includes a custom PCB and plans to integrate an OLED or LCD display, D-pad controls, and a 3D-printed case.

Components and Tools

We’re using key components like the SI4732 IC, which handles radio signal processing, and the Raspberry Pi Pico, which serves as the control unit. The design also features an OLED/LCD for displaying frequencies and a D-pad for user interaction. Tools required include a soldering iron, multimeter, and a 3D printer for the case.

Design and Planning

The project began with designing the circuit and PCB layout, ensuring all components are properly connected. The PCB was then printed through JLCPCB. Planning also included deciding how to integrate the display and controls for a user-friendly interface.

Assembly Process

Once the components and PCB arrive, the next step is to solder the SI4732 IC, Raspberry Pi Pico, and other components onto the PCB. Careful assembly is crucial to ensure proper functionality. Afterward, the display and D-pad will be connected and configured.

Initial Testing

After assembly, the system will be powered up for the first time. Basic testing will involve checking the radio’s ability to receive AM, FM, and SSB signals. Any issues will be troubleshooted at this stage.

Advanced Features and Optimization

Future enhancements include optimizing signal reception and expanding the radio’s capabilities, potentially adding more bands or improving the user interface with additional features.

Building the Enclosure

A custom 3D-printed case will be designed to house the PCB and components, providing durability and a sleek finish. The case design will consider both aesthetics and functionality.

Final Assembly and Testing

The final step is assembling everything into the 3D-printed case and conducting comprehensive testing to ensure the radio works as intended across all supported bands.


This project showcases the process of building a multi-band radio receiver from start to finish, combining hardware design, PCB assembly, and 3D printing. It’s a hands-on exploration of electronics, offering room for further enhancements and learning.

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